Nordics x Tokyo: Fast Track to Future Innovations and Collaborations
Date and Time: Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 | 11:00–12:30
Location: Tokyo innovation Base TiB
〒100-0005 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Marunouchi, 3-chōme−8−3 2F SusHi Tech Square(東京都千代田区丸の内3-8-3 SusHi Tech Square 2F)
The event will be held in English. イベントは英語で行われます。
Register to the waitlist
The event is full booked, so please register to the waitlist. This event is designed for Japanese investors and corporations looking for partnerships and innovation from the Nordics.

The Nordics are at the forefront of growth. As we tackle both local and global challenges, we recognize that true progress knows no borders. Through cross-border cooperation, we unlock the power of innovation and collective action to drive meaningful change. We invite you to join us in pioneering the future.
– Mayor of Helsinki ヘルシンキ市長 Juhana Vartiainen氏
Fast track to New Nordic technology
Team up with City of Helsinki, Maria 01, Nordic Innovation House Tokyo, Nordic Asian Venture Alliance and Embassy of Finland in Tokyo for an inspirational thought-sharing session to foster collaboration, share insights, and explore exciting investment and innovation opportunities that transcend borders!
This event builds on long-term cultural and economic collaboration between the Nordics and Japan. A shared commitment, nurtured relationships, and the exchange of ideas for inspiration and growth will help our regions ensure a sustainable future will be regarded as a template for impactful business and good life.
We look forward to welcoming you to this event and discussing why the Nordics are a promising destination for your innovation and investment activities.
ヘルシンキ市、Maria01、Nordic Innovation House Tokyo、Nordic Asian Venture Alliance NAVA、駐日フィンランド大使館とともに協力関係を育み、見解を共有し、国境を越えた投資とイノベーションの絶好の機会を検討するイベントにぜひご参加ください。
Why Attend?
- Gain insights into the investment landscape of a dynamic Nordic economy that’s gained fame as a unicorn factory, second only to Silicon Valley.
- Explore collaborative ventures and potential partnerships and why they work between the Nordics and Japan.
- Uncover opportunities in emerging sectors.
- Network with like-minded investors and network spiders and build lasting connections.
- 北欧はシリコンバレーに次いでユニコーンを創出している場所として注目されています。イベントではダイナミックな北欧経済における投資状況の洞察を得ることができます。
- 協同事業とパートナーシップの可能性を探り、北欧と日本の協業が成功する理由を理解することができます。
- 新興セクターにおける機会を発掘することができます。
- 同じ目的を持った投資家やネットワーキングに熱心な参加者と意見交換し、 持続的な関係を築いていただく機会です。
Program プログラム:
10.30 Doors open | 開場
11.00 Opening Keynotes | 開会の基調講演
Mayor of Helsinki ヘルシンキ市長 Juhana Vartiainen氏
Ambassador of Finland to Japan 駐日フィンランド大使 Tanja Jääskeläinen氏
11.20 Panel Discussion | パネルディスカッション
- Global Investment Trends: Perspectives from Japan and the Nordics | 世界の投資動向:日本と北欧からの視点
- Innovation and Technology: A Cross-Cultural Dialogue | イノベーションとテクノロジー:異文化対話
- Sustainable Investments: A Shared Commitment | サステナブルな投資:コミットメントの共有
Panelists 講演者:
- Maria01 CEO Sarita Runeberg氏
- Woven Capital Partner パートナー Michiko Kato 加藤 道子 氏
- Nordic Asian Venture Alliance Co-Founder 共同創業者 Oliver Hall氏
- University of Helsinki ヘルシンキ大学 Director of Innovations and Ecosystems ダイレクター イノベーション&エコシステムズ Santtu von Bruun氏
- Moderator 進行役 Helsinki Partners
11.40 Closing words | 閉会のご挨拶
11.45 Networking lunch | ネットワーキングランチ
12.30 Closing of the event | 閉会
Helsinki Partners CEO Clarisse Berggårdh 氏
Speakers 講演者:

Mayor of Helsinki ヘルシンキ市長 Juhana Vartiainen氏
Juhana Vartiainen (b. 1958) is the current Mayor of Helsinki and a Finnish politician representing the National Coalition Party. Before he was appointed Mayor on 2 August 2021, he served as a Member of the Finnish Parliament for six years. Mayor Vartiainen holds a doctorate in Economics from the University of Helsinki and has many years of experience as both a director and researcher in economic research institutes in Finland and Sweden. He was born in Helsinki and has also lived in Paris, London and Stockholm.
Juhana Vartiainen (1958年生まれ) は、現ヘルシンキ市長で国民連合に属する政治家。2021年8月2日に現職に就任するまでの6年間フィンランド国会の議員を務める。ヘルシンキ大学で経済博士号を取得し、フィンランドとスウェーデンにて経済研究所の所長および研究員として長年にわたる経験を有す。ヘルシンキ出身でパリ、ロンドン、ストックホルムにも在住した経験がある。

Ambassador of Finland to Japan 駐日フィンランド大使 Tanja Jääskeläinen氏
Ms. Tanja Jääskeläinen is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Finland to Japan since September 2022. Previously she served as Deputy Director General at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and earlier as Senior Advisor to the Foreign Minister.
Ms Jääskeläinen has experience from the Middle East and North Africa having served as Special Representative to Syria Crisis, as Ambassador of Finland to Tunisia and Libya (2013-2017) and as Deputy Head of Mission in Damascus. She was posted twice in Europe, at the Embassy in Budapest and as Minister, Deputy Head of Mission in London. She entered the MFA in 1995.

Helsinki Partners, CEO Clarisse Berggårdh 氏
Clarisse is the CEO of Helsinki Partners, responsible for marketing the city and attracting investment and talent to Finland’s capital. Her strengths include a solid understanding of media, marketing and technology. Through her previous roles, Clarisse has years of experience leading teams and building international partnerships. She’s an experienced board member and currently part of the board of Maria 01.
ヘルシンキ市のマーケティング及び投資と人材の誘致を行うHelsinki PartnersのCEO。メディア、マーケティング、テクノロジーに精通している。前職では長年にわたりチームを率いて国際的なパートナーシップを構築してきた。経験豊富なボードメンバーで、現在Maria01のボードのメンバーも務めている。

Maria01, CEO Sarita Runeberg氏
Sarita Runeberg is the CEO of Maria 01, the leading startup hub in the Nordics. With a distinguished background in international business and extensive startup advisory experience, Sarita is committed to driving innovation and fostering collaboration within the dynamic startup landscape.
Notably featured in prominent media outlets, including BBC and Financial Times, Sarita is a thought leader dedicated to pushing the boundaries of business in the digital era. Sarita brings a forward-thinking approach to the intersection of commerce and sustainability, positioning Maria 01 at the forefront of innovation and catalyzing positive change in the global startup community.
北欧を代表するスタートアップハブMaria 01のCEO。国際ビジネスと幅広いスタートアップアドバイザーとしての際だった経験を持ち、活気あるスタートアップ環境におけるイノベーションの推進と協力の促進に尽力している。
BBCやFinancial Timesなど著名なメディアで取り上げられたように、デジタル時代のビジネスの境界を押し上げることに熱心なリーダー。商取引とサステナビリティの交わる部分に先見性のあるアプローチを用い、Maria01をイノベーションの最前線に置き、世界のスタートアップコミュニティに前向きな変化をもたらしている。

Woven Capital, Partner パートナー Michiko Kato 加藤 道子 氏
Michiko Kato is a partner at Woven Capital. Michiko’s investments span multiple domains including mobility, automation, smart cities, data and analytics.
A passionate investor and operator of growth-stage businesses, Michiko also serves as an independent director at HENNGE and Excite Holdings, as well as a board observer at Nuro and Ridecell. In 2022, Michiko was named a Top 50 Rising Star by Global Corporate Venturing, which recognizes the industry’s top investors chosen from more than 2,000 corporate venturing units. Michiko holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a B.A. from International Christian University in Tokyo.
Woven Capitalのパートナー。投資は、モビリティ、自動化、スマートシティ、データ分析など多数の領域に及ぶ。
熱意ある投資家、グロースステージビジネスの運営者で、HENNGE、エキサイトホールディングスの社外取締役、NuroやRidecellのボード・オブザーバーを務める。2022年、2,000以上の企業ベンチャーから最高の投資家を選出するGlobal Corporate VenturingのTop 50 Rising Starに選出された。Harvard Business SchoolでMBA、東京の国際基督教大学で学士号を取得。

Nordic Asian Venture Alliance, Co-Founder 共同創業者 Oliver Hall氏
Oliver is a Co-Founder of the Nordic Asian Venture Alliance – the community that bridges the entire Nordic-Baltic startup & investor ecosystems with Japanese investors. We are supported by capital cities & foundations, we produce market intelligence for Government, and we identify investment opportunities for corporates & C/VCs.
Oliver has 18 years of experience working in foreign direct investment, in supporting foreign companies establish regional headquarters and research & development centres across the UK, Europe & Japan. A British national & Japanese speaker who lives in Copenhagen, and counts Kobe as his 2nd home.
北欧・バルト諸国のスタートアップ及び投資家のエコシステムと日本の投資家を結ぶコミュニティNordic Asian Venture Alliance(NAVA)の共同創業者。NAVAは、首都や財団の支援を受け、政府にマーケット情報を提供し、企業やC/VCに投資の機会を見いだしている。

University of Helsinki, Director of Innovations and Ecosystems Santtu von Bruun氏
Santtu von Bruun (eMBA) works at the University of Helsinki as the director of innovations and innovation ecosystems. His core responsibilities encompass the University’s innovation strategy, development of innovation ecosystems and hubs, innovation and incubation services and development of campuses as innovation environments. He is also in charge of innovation partnerships and collaboration with the wider regional innovation ecosystem and international networks. He formerly worked for the City of Helsinki’s Office of Economic Development and was the founding Chairman of the Board of Maria01.
イノベーションとイノベーションエコシステムのダイレクターとしてヘルシンキ大学に勤務。 主に同大学のイノベーション戦略、イノベーションエコシステムとハブの開発、イノベーションとインキュベーションサービス、イノベーション環境としてのキャンパス開発の責任者。イノベーションパートナーシップとより広域にわたるイノベーションエコシステム及び国際的ネットワークのコラボレーションも担当している。前職ではヘルシンキ市の経済開発部門に勤務し、Maria01の創設取締役会長。
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